
All About You Supports (AAYS) offers Holiday Programs to adult (over 18) NDIS participants.

Our holiday participants travel across Australia and have a fun-filled schedule of activities!

AAYS believes everyone deserves the opportunity to enjoy the enriching experiences offered by travel. That’s why we offer fully supported small group adventures for adult NDIS participants. Book a customised, individual holiday or travel in a group with like-minded people.

Young women at snorkeling in the tropical water

Who can go on holidays?

From short breaks to two-week adventures, adult (over 18 years old) participants can enjoy the country and life-enriching travel experiences. Based on participants’ funding, they will be eligible to enjoy travel up to four times a year.

Eligibility for holidays extends to adult NDIS participants living in Short Term Accommodation Assistance (STAA), Supported Independent Living (SIL) and Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) arrangements.

Typically, parents and guardians do not attend holidays with their dependents, as holidays are also a form of respite care.

What do AAYS holidays include?

Our supported trips include:

  • A tailored combination of structured activities and free time
  • Supervision by staff from AAYS, allocated according to the ratio of the participants
  • All-inclusive itineraries, covering transportation, meals, and clinical care if needed
  • Fun activities, such as bowling, movies, picnics, swimming, zoos, arts & crafts, cooking, video games

How long do holidays go for?

Between 2-14 days.

Read a lovely holiday experience

We organised a wonderful cruise for a handful of NDIS participants. They reported feeling more confident in socialising as the trip went on.

One night, they had a dance party, which was the highlight of one young man’s trip. He said he felt very relaxed afterwards. He formed meaningful friendships from that experience!

If you’d like to go on holiday, please navigate to our contact page to get in touch.

When are holidays available?

Holidays are available throughout the entire year, many of them occur during school holidays.

How to book a Holiday

To organise a trip, please simply fill in the referral form, or contact the AAYS office on 02 4915 6771.

Our team will review your NDIS Plan, and possibly set up an assessment and profile, so we can best plan your holiday to your liking. Once you are happy with the proposed holiday, you will be asked to enter this into your NDIS Service Agreement.

Depending on the scope of the trip, we require between 5 to 10 business days to coordinate the itinerary.

What travel options do I have?

The organised holiday programs are designed to help participants make new friends, participate in the community, and develop skills. Travel options include:

  • Cruises, camps and regional tours around Australia
  • Trips during and outside of school terms
  • Personalised trips for preferred destinations, for which AAYS will endeavour to create a package with additional participants
  • Flexibility and a can-do attitude to help our clients visit exciting destinations

We’d love to discuss the exciting holiday programs we offer, we look forward to your call.

Why should I go on a holiday?

AAYS offers individualised and group activities and trips, designed to develop skills, instil greater independence and empower participants to enjoy barrier-free experiences.

Barrier-free tourism is high on the agenda in Australia, as the benefits for people with different abilities have been proven. Our skilled and experienced staff have already assisted dozens of adult NDIS participants to access holidays safely.